Joint Public Policy Committee
Coeur d’Alene, Hayden, Post Falls, and Rathdrum Chambers of Commerce
Thursday, January 11, 2024, 11:00 a.m.
Call to Order and Introductions
Present: Christa Hazel, Dean Haagenson, Luke Russel, Kiki Miller, Mike Bullard, Lauren Benedict, Katie Rose Hargreaves, Christina Petite. Present by Zoom: Doug Elliot, Nick Swayne, Nikki Swanye, Marc Kilmer, Caleb Davis, Caiti Bobbitt, Griffen Dietrich, Sandy Patano, Ashley Cameron, Damon Darakjy, Doug, Nicki Swayne, Mark Kilmer.
Federal Update: given by Mark Kilmer from Senator Risch’s office, national issues.
Local Update: Kiki Miller from CdA City Council reported on impact fees being raised, housing efforts, growth issues, and Housing Solution Partnership.
Report on State of the State:
Christa Hazel of North Idaho Republicans reported on the Governor’s State of the State address, mentioning positive initiatives she believes are important for business including Idaho Launch and response to the Fentanyl crisis. Christa Hazel emphasized new rules for the Republican Caucus on March 2: Registered Republicans must have their individual mailed postcards and must be physically present to participate. Venue to be announced. Watch the website. Sandy Patano mentioned the Capital Letters Newsletter with Highlights, Published for free by Idaho Statesman at:
Another useful resource is the free newsletter by Idaho Capital Sun.
Other items:
We agreed to host a State of the County event on May 10. Kristina will take the lead on the venue and details. Legislative priorities of the chamber will be sent out before the next meeting so we can prepare questions for County leaders.
We hope to reestablish bimonthly calls with our legislators during upcoming meetings.
The CdA Chamber reported that, as part of its revitalization, it is going to set up its own Public Policy Committee which will liaise with the Joint Public Policy Committee and work together on most things.
The League of Women Voters is hosting a free public educational event on open primaries/alternative voting methods, to be held at two locations on Sunday, February 18. One will be at the Post Falls Library from noon to 2 PM and at the CdA Library from 3 to 5 PM. Speakers will include Luke Mayfield from Reclaim Idaho. The League will provide a digital flier and other info so the Chamber can help publicize.
2024 Planned Chamber Events:
January 16th Connect luncheon Glen Miles KNPO. Sign up online
February 1 Governor Little luncheon address and Q&A.
Adjourn 12:00 p.m.
The public is invited. Tables can be sponsored by members for $1000 hosted.
Register online.