September 14, 2023

ATTENDEES: Lauren, Christina, Katie Rose, Dean, Len, Marty, John, Caleb, Mark, Danny

ZOOM: Ashley, Damon, Rocky

Federal Updates:

Both Mark and Caleb discussed the issue of funding the government coming up in October. One thing that could affect our members is access to SBA and USDA funds. If the government stalls the process of funding these agencies, this could put businesses in our area in a tough spot waiting for financing. Even if they agree to a budget, the funding for these agencies could be different than planned.

Mark said Senator Risch is also a co-sponsor of the Helper Act, which would provide affordable mortgages for first responders and teachers who are first-time home buyers. This act will provide mortgages with zero down payment and no monthly mortgage insurance.

Local updates:

Christina shared with the group there would be an ITD I-90 Widening Project Open House: 4-7 p.m. Jacklin Arts and Cultural Center October 5th

Also, on October 9th, a Regional Legislative Meet and Greet – was put on by IACI, hosted by Idaho Forest Group, Athol Mill 5400 ID-54 Athol ID.


Rocky Owens, Senior Director – LSCS, presented a plan to host all Idaho legislators for a North Idaho Tour in November 2024. It will be a three-day event that will allow local businesses to showcase their businesses to the lawmakers. This event is scheduled every other year after the election of our legislators. In the past, this has been a very well-attended event, and Rocky asked for volunteers to work on the organizing committee.

He also shared that Tom Green had been named Interim Director of Government Affairs for North Idaho College.

Open Discussion:

We discussed the upcoming Legislator Breakfast. We have five legislators committed, and it will be held October 20, 7-9 a.m. at the CDA Inn. We will continue to reach out to the rest of the group since we only have one who has indicated they won’t be attending. Cost is $35/person.

Other Upcoming Events:

Forum for City Council, School Boards, and hopefully Mayors put on by CDAPRESS virtually, Dates TBD

September 19th Idaho Public Television Event, 5:30-7:30 DeArmand Building, NIC

October 19th Beyond the Ballet Event by Secretary of State, 11 am Hagadone Event Center, Ticket price TBD

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