Author Camey Yeager, NWSH

Business and Education Award Discussed for Feb and Volunteers to present the award

  • January 2023 Award: Mountain West Bank
  • Discussion on top 3 businesses submitted
  • Winner will be announced at the Feb Connect 4 Lunch

Secretary & Vice Chair Volunteers

  • Decision: Camey Yeager volunteered to be the committee’s Secretary
  • Vice Chair is still vacant speak to Christina if interested

Reverse Job Fair

  • Date set for March 22nd at Real Life Ministries, from 11:00-1:30
  • Discussion on changing the name of the scholarships provided to the students. Some students are not needing to attend higher education and do not have a need for the scholarship but could use the funds towards supplies and certifications for trades
  • A comment was made that we need to keep scholarships in the title for some organizations to donate
  • Decision: Retitle Awards and Scholarships
  • The Reverse Job fair committee is looking to fill two roles
    • Public Relations Leader
      • Prepare and release press releases regarding this event.
      • Develop relationships with the press to assure firm contact.
      • Manage Reverse Job Fair fact sheet.
      • Archive press coverage.
      • Assist with the creation and publication of community thank you letter
      • Email Christina if interested
    • Interviewer Assignment Leader
      • Maintain a Roster of Interviewers
      • Electronic document management of current/past rosters.
      • Collaborate with Post Falls Chamber, committee members, BEWD members, educators, and Post Falls High School parents to recruit interviewers.
      • Update interviewer assignments.
      • Collaborate with Registration Leader for interviewer packet assembly.
  • Save the date, reminder communications, thank you communications
  • Note: After meeting Camey Yeager volunteered

H4 Updates

  • The committee is moving along, string backpacks for students needed
  • Discussed logo re-design, KTEC students will revise
  • Save the Date Flyer coming soon, H4 set for April 14th
  • Day of volunteers needed

Good of the Order

NEXT Meeting – February 28th, 2022

Meetings are scheduled monthly / on the 4th Tuesday of the Month / at 8:30 am

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