§ Committee continues to be the support arm for reverse job fair.
§ The committee continues to be the support arm for the 4H Hard Hat and Hotdogs Job Fair.
§ Educators thank you.
o New Ideas: how to bridge the gap between business and education.
§ ICCU financial education to high school- how to save and budget money, checking and savings account.
§ Send out surveys to businesses to get more ideas.
§ Career exploration for 8th graders new requirement.
· Ask the business for guidance in shadows or field trips.
§ How to increase awareness of KTEC.
· Business drop-ins are welcomed.
§ Support school w/ voting and levies.
§ “Coffee connections” at High Schools or Middle Schools and bring industry experts to come and talk about the industry.
§ Mentor / peer-to-peer from KTEC student to MS to show what it’s like.
· Business and Education Award for October
o Send a reminder school to bring nominations forward.
o Email Christina with nominations for 2023/24.
o Options:
§ Birdies Pie Shop- October Award
§ Walmart
§ CDA Inn
· Reverse Job Fair
o First Meeting 9/26 3 pm.
The event is Scheduled for March 19, 2024.
· H4
o Planning stage
The event is Scheduled for April 2024.
· Good of the Order
o Thursday 9/28 membership Thank you.
o PH sending out a community survey in October.
o PH meeting with schools on what students need drug awareness.
NEXT Meeting – October 24th, 2023
Meetings are scheduled monthly / 4th Tuesday of the Month / 8:30 am
Respectfully submitted by: Camey Yeager
The Business and Education Committee resumed after a few months’ hiatus during the summer months. The committee spent time discussing goals and ideas for 2023/2024 and their continued support for the Reverse Job Fair, Hard Hats and Hotdogs, businesses supporting education awards, and educators’ thank you celebration. The committee has some good ideas on how to support our school district and will send out a survey to our local businesses to explore some new options. Do you know of a local business that supports our education, teachers, and/or schools please contact Christina Petit at christina@postfallschamber.com to have them recognized.
Committee Members ☒ Brett Cummings ☒ Reann Capaul ☒ Colby Mattila ☒ Kim Young- Chair ☒ Suzanne Knutsen ☒ Roxane ☒ Trina Cottee ☒ Linda Benson ☒ Maren Maier ☒ Camey Yeager- Secretary ☒ Christina Petit
Guests Present ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Welcome, Instructions
Unleash Your Future Recap from Suzanne at NIBCA Suzane attended Unlock Your Future in September. Located in Liberty Lake for all middle school students from Liberty Lake and Spokane Valley. Introduce apprentice opportunities and career opportunities to middle schoolers. Different bays with companies set up to discuss their trade (healthcare and constructions). Teachers offered 1.5hr lecture before students so they received education on the trades. Grants available to help fund itIdea: All chambers (Hayden, Post Falls, CDA) involved in the area and have it at the fairground.New Idaho requirement for Middle Schoolers and job development Sub Committee Created: Suzane, ReAnn, Christina, Trina to meet and come back to committee next month with recommendations.
Suzanne Knutsen
Business and Education Award for NovemberNominations:Walmart- judging actives and supplies at costCDA Inn- Volunteers DECA DECEMBER River of Life Church- Snacks and clothing donationsNew Hope Fellowship- Donated snacks and clothing and helps with the holiday gift programCommunity Library Network– Summer Reading, STEAM, Discovery bus, NOVEMBERS Christina: send out list of who has been nominated in the last year
Kim Young
Reverse Job Fair Committee Leads neededRegistration Leader: VacantJudging Team Leader: Vacant Public Relations leader: Kimberly YoungChristina: send more information to Brett and Maren
Christina Petit
Good of the OrderDECA needing volunteers 11/29 at the CDA Inn 745 -145 Should we host a Career Job Fair so students look at careers How many businesses would be interested.Christina: send out survey to members What do students what this year?Juniors or Seniors?During school? Fridays? May? December? More to come
Minutes submitted by: Camey Yeager
NEXT Meeting – November 28th, 2023
Meetings are scheduled monthly / 4th Tuesday of the Month / 8:30am
The Business and Education Committee enjoyed an excellent University of Idaho Extension Campus tour. The University of Idaho Extension provides research-based programs responding to local issues and needs, helping citizens improve their social, economic, and environmental quality of life. The committee enjoyed Idaho STARS, Forestry, Home Horticulture, Eat Smart Idaho, Wagyu Beef, and Idaho 4-H Development presentations. 4-H is looking for donations from local businesses or community members to help keep the remarkable program open and available to our youngest community members.
Business and Education Committee will take a two-month break for the summer and resume meeting on September 26 at 830am.
Business and Education Award Discussed for Feb and Volunteers to present the award
January 2023 Award: Mountain West Bank
Discussion on top 3 businesses submitted
Winner will be announced at the Feb Connect 4 Lunch
Secretary & Vice Chair Volunteers
Decision: Camey Yeager volunteered to be the committee’s Secretary
Vice Chair is still vacant speak to Christina if interested
Reverse Job Fair
Date set for March 22nd at Real Life Ministries, from 11:00-1:30
Discussion on changing the name of the scholarships provided to the students. Some students are not needing to attend higher education and do not have a need for the scholarship but could use the funds towards supplies and certifications for trades
A comment was made that we need to keep scholarships in the title for some organizations to donate
Decision: Retitle Awards and Scholarships
The Reverse Job fair committee is looking to fill two roles
Public Relations Leader
Prepare and release press releases regarding this event.
Develop relationships with the press to assure firm contact.
Manage Reverse Job Fair fact sheet.
Archive press coverage.
Assist with the creation and publication of community thank you letter
Email Christina if interested
Interviewer Assignment Leader
Maintain a Roster of Interviewers
Electronic document management of current/past rosters.
Collaborate with Post Falls Chamber, committee members, BEWD members, educators, and Post Falls High School parents to recruit interviewers.
Update interviewer assignments.
Collaborate with Registration Leader for interviewer packet assembly.
Save the date, reminder communications, thank you communications
Note: After meeting Camey Yeager volunteered
H4 Updates
The committee is moving along, string backpacks for students needed
Discussed logo re-design, KTEC students will revise
Save the Date Flyer coming soon, H4 set for April 14th
Day of volunteers needed
Good of the Order
April 5th
Educators’ thank you notes and baskets
Given to all departments of education
Task: Christina sends out donation request in Feb
Reminder: Vote YES for Post Falls School District Levy