201 E. Fourth Ave. Post Falls, ID 83854
Phone: 208.773.5016
Business & Education Committee Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, October 24th, 2023
Committee Members ☒ Brett Cummings ☒ Reann Capaul ☒ Colby Mattila ☒ Kim Young- Chair ☒ Suzanne Knutsen ☒ Roxane ☒ Trina Cottee ☒ Linda Benson ☒ Maren Maier ☒ Camey Yeager- Secretary ☒ Christina Petit | Guests Present ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ |
Topic | Lead |
Welcome, Instructions | All |
Unleash Your Future Recap from Suzanne at NIBCA Suzane attended Unlock Your Future in September. Located in Liberty Lake for all middle school students from Liberty Lake and Spokane Valley. Introduce apprentice opportunities and career opportunities to middle schoolers. Different bays with companies set up to discuss their trade (healthcare and constructions). Teachers offered 1.5hr lecture before students so they received education on the trades. Grants available to help fund itIdea: All chambers (Hayden, Post Falls, CDA) involved in the area and have it at the fairground.New Idaho requirement for Middle Schoolers and job development Sub Committee Created: Suzane, ReAnn, Christina, Trina to meet and come back to committee next month with recommendations. | Suzanne Knutsen |
Business and Education Award for NovemberNominations:Walmart- judging actives and supplies at costCDA Inn- Volunteers DECA DECEMBER River of Life Church- Snacks and clothing donationsNew Hope Fellowship- Donated snacks and clothing and helps with the holiday gift programCommunity Library Network– Summer Reading, STEAM, Discovery bus, NOVEMBERS Christina: send out list of who has been nominated in the last year | Kim Young |
Reverse Job Fair Committee Leads neededRegistration Leader: VacantJudging Team Leader: Vacant Public Relations leader: Kimberly YoungChristina: send more information to Brett and Maren | Christina Petit |
Good of the OrderDECA needing volunteers 11/29 at the CDA Inn 745 -145 Should we host a Career Job Fair so students look at careers How many businesses would be interested.Christina: send out survey to members What do students what this year?Juniors or Seniors?During school? Fridays? May? December? More to come | |
Adjourned |
Minutes submitted by: Camey Yeager
NEXT Meeting – November 28th, 2023
Meetings are scheduled monthly / 4th Tuesday of the Month / 8:30am